Skulduggery Pleasant Kingdom Of The Wicked is the seventh instalment of the Skulduggery Pleasant series. The first trilogy in the series was titled the Faceless Ones trilogy, the second trilogy was the Necromancer Trilogy and this book is the first in the Darquesse trilogy.The country is suddenly hit by a thunderbolt of magic and every second person starts developing magical powers beyond his or her understanding and control. This causes great havoc around the world. Their only ray of hope is the Sanctuary and only Skulduggery and Valkyrie Kain can be their saviours. Among everyone else, they have to deal with Kitana and her group of friends who have suddenly become imbued with unbelievably damaging powers and are completely focussed on bringing about hell in the city.Skulduggery Pleasant Kingdom Of The Wicked is an action packed story which in no way would disappoint the ardent fans of the Skulduggery Pleasant series. It was published in its first edition by UK Children's in 2013 and it is available in paperback. Key Features: Skulduggery Pleasant Kingdom Of The Wicked has received positive critical response, with The Times stating that it is fast and funny.The book has been on numerous bestseller lists.