10 Laws Of Learning, The

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ISBN : 9788184000894
Publisher : N/A
Author : Steven Rudolph
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.21 (in KGs)
Category : General
Stock : 0

The 10 laws of learning by acclaimed educationalist Steven Rudolph is just the book you need. In ten steps, Rudolph teaches you how to help your child excel in life. Not only that,now you can train your children out of problem behaviors — watching too much TV, not doing homework on time, disobeying parents in public, using foul language, not eating properly and muchmore. Peppered with relevant examples and keen insight, it is the perfect guide to create a superior learning environment for our child. Now parents, teachers, principals as well as children themselves don’t need to look far. Just follow the magic mantra, the 10 laws of learning and experience the difference.

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