Assert Yourself

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ISBN : 9781399406758
Publisher : Bloomsbury
Author : N/A
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.16 (in KGs)
Category : Pre Order
Sub Category : N/A
Sub Sub Category : N/A
Sub Category 2 : N/A

The essential guide to making your voice heard and having your efforts recognised. Do you find it hard to say 'no'? Are you tongue-tied in important meetings? Bored of 'mansplaining' when you know that you're the best qualified person on a particular topic? Understanding the difference between being assertive and being aggressive can be a crucial lesson on your career journey, and Assert Yourself can help you find your voice and stand up for yourself. Full of practical advice on how to change the way you work and live for the better, the book contains a self-assessment quiz, step-by-step guidance, top tips, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, and summaries of key points

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