Elixir Grade 3

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ISBN : 9789356064324
Publisher : Pearson India Education services Pvt. Ltd
Author : himani prakash & mandira mazumdar
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.20 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

Elixir: It’s Simply Science is a series that will add magic to the journey of learning Science. This series comprises of books for grades 1 to 5. It is designed and packed with features that will help students to quickly grasp and retain knowledge, facts and concepts and apply them in their daily lives. The activities and questions under engage and explore help reinforce scientific approach. Think more, info bits and keen minds make interesting factual reads. For life and Valuable instil moral values and practices of respect, care, empathy and compassion. Evaluate, Objective and Subjective Exercises help recap and assess understanding and depth of knowledge. Glossary and Summary help in easy recapitulation of important terms and concepts. Extend is the foundation for the next link to the concept.. The various activities under learning beyond are interdisciplinary and explore multiple persectives of concepts provide challenges with a mix of easy as well as interesting tasks, which lead to the development of skills and application of knowledge. Enrichment is about projects field trips collaboration and fun learning it enhances communication skills languages skill team building problem solving skills and learning while playing.

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