Feathers, Fools And Farts

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ISBN : 9780143459118
Publisher : Puffin
Author : l. somi roy
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.21 (in KGs)
Category : Pre Order
Stock : 0

Be warned. These ten wacky stories in Feathers, Fools, and Farts: Manipuri Folktales Retold from Manipur, perched on India's border with Myanmar, are not for scaredy-cats. Nor for those of you who do not enjoy a hearty laugh or a good cry. And if you try to copy the foolishness of the characters, animal and human, in these folktales, you just might turn into a tiger, get stung by a swarm of bees, or even get poo'ed on. If, however, you believe in strange romances, admire bravery, and like magic and sorcery, this book is for you, wherever you are.

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