Growing With God Book - 4

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ISBN : 9789390299423
Publisher : S.CHAND
Author : aratrika john
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.22 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

Growing with God is a series of interesting stories adapted from the Bible, aimed to develop interpersonal skills as well as a sense of what is right or wrong. The stories instil moral values, help develop life skills and encourage the learners to be noble, honest, kind, mindful and empathetic. The chapters emphasise the importance of being virtuous, tolerant and respectful towards all human beings. Beautiful illustrations in the series bring the characters to life. Each chapter is followed by comprehensive exercises and, finally, closed with a question or activity that encourages the learners to think and try to apply the lesson learnt in the chapter, in real life. Also available, answer keys to the end-of-chapter exercises.

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