Icse Toposheet And Maps For Class 9 & 10

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ISBN : 9789389006520
Publisher : S.CHAND
Author : dr. nidhi khanna
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.47 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

"Icse Toposheets and maps for classes 9 & 10" Is written in accordance with the syllabus prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination for classes of 9th and 10th. This book aims to promote the culture and practice of map reading not just for the sake of securing good marks and completing the syllabus requirement; but it aims to inculcate in students a good interest for maps. Maps are an integral part of our day-to-day life today and their use is going to increase many folds in future. Today, when our cities, government and society is becoming smarter, our students need to be updated and smart enough to use the lates technology and facilities, that is frely and easily available for all. Although, many books and workbooks were already there in the market, but this book is unique in many ways. The book tries to emphasise on the journey of maps. Rationale behind this approach is the benefit of studying maps in continuity of history and looking forward towards the future. This book will be beneficial not only for Class 10 Board students but for Class 9 students as well. If students are aware of their curriculum of Board examinations, they are better prepared for the same and their interest for related news and information increases with time.

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