Leadership Chronicles

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ISBN : 9780670098651
Publisher : Penguin
Author : debashis chatterjee
Binding : Hardback
Weight : 0.33 (in KGs)
Category : General
Stock : 0

Leadership Chronicles decodes some of the deep secrets of leadership. It tells the story of a lifetime of teaching, learning and institution-building like never before. This book is a voyage of discovery of those unseen facets and mysteries of a maverick teacher’s life. Debashis Chatterjee shares authentic insights from his personal and professional journey of nearly three decades. The perspectives, stories and anecdotes reframe and shed light on the global application of classical Indian thought. This work presents transformative wisdom in a way that would stimulate your mind. Told with candour, sensitivity and humour, the chronicles present a rich harvest of insights and ideas on the making of a leader.

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