New Sangam With Gul Mohar Class 3 Semester 2

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ISBN : 9789352874828
Publisher : N/A
Author : m l tickoo, sushmita malik, abha sahgal, sumitra siromani
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.59 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

New Sangam with Gul Mohar is a set of 10 books for Classes 1 to 5 which combines the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies/Science and Social Studies, and General Knowledge and offers the student the express benefit of a lighter schoolbag. This set of 10 books is structured as follows: Classes 1 and 2; Semester 1 & 2:each termconsisting of English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and General Knowledge. Classes 3 – 5; Semester 1 & 2: each term consisting of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and General knowledge.

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