Nikola Tesla

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ISBN : 9789389305623
Publisher : Jaico Publishing House
Author : John F. Wasik
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.23 (in KGs)
Category : General
Stock : 0

Timeless Lessons from His Life and Work Nikola Tesla’s unusual life and mind, along with his many visions and innovations, have helped shape our past, present, and future. Seventy years after his death, Nikola Tesla has become a rock star. World-changing inventions made him a celebrity in his own time, but something otherworldly makes him transcend his era and remain an eternal beacon for our civilization. Tesla’s prescient visions and schematics of a future where energy, science, and world peace co-exist elevate him above the mere title of “inventor.” His ideas and inventions are still shaping our present and future in profound ways. In Nikola Tesla, John F. Wasik not only looks at how Tesla arrived at his inventions, he also illuminates how you can tap into the same source of creation within yourself.

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