(old)basic Nursing Concepts,skills & Reasoning

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ISBN : 9780803627789
Publisher : FAD
Author : Treas,wilkinson
Binding : Hardback
Weight : 3.40 (in KGs)
Category : General
Stock : 0

Awarded second place in the 2014 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Medical-Surgical Nursing category! Thinking. Doing. Caring. Leslie S. Treas and Judith Wilkinson, the team that brings you the two-volume approach featured in Fundamentals of Nursing, integrate all of the content and features that are its hallmarks into one carefully designed and written volume that teaches you to “think like nurse” from the very first day. In every chapter, you'll first explore the theoretical knowledge behind the concepts, principles, and rationales. Then, you'll study the practical knowledge involved in the processes; and finally, you'll learn the skills and procedures Designed for all learning styles, the text, electronic study guide, and a wealth of interactive resources work together to create a multimedia-rich learning experience for traditional and non-traditional students.

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