Quick Training For War

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ISBN : 9781472837943
Publisher : Osprey Games
Author : Robert Baden-Powell and Martin Robson
Binding : Hardback
Weight : 0.70 (in KGs)
Category : UK Books
Stock : 0

In this fascinating little book, Baden-Powell uses his extensive military experience and memories of service in Africa to distill soldiering down to 'the four C-s': Courage, Common sense, Cunning and Cheerfulness. With observations gleaned from his campaigns against the Zulus, the Ashanti and the Boers during the period 1876-1910 (and even from conversations with the German Kaiser), B-P discusses all aspects of military service from digging trenches and earth-works to 'inculcating cheerfulness in your men'. This period document gives a unique insight into the mindset of the British officer in 1914; advocating a training system that encapsulated Edwardian values,conventional military thinking and centuries of army tradition. Quick Training For War is a perfect example of the type of war the British expected to fight and which they prepared for in 1914, and it became a standard survival guide for many British troops. Personable in tone, this is the well-intentioned, no-nonsense advice of a seasoned campaigner - albeit an officer more accustomed to scouting on the South African veldt than struggling through Somme mud.

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