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All Items 7

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English Civil War...

  • AED 68.82
  • AED 83.10

At the beginning of the English Civil War it was clear that artillery was to play a significant...

British Anti-tank...

  • AED 68.82
  • AED 83.10

The rapid development of the tank as an offensive weapon following its introduction in World War...

Napoleonic Naval...

  • AED 68.82
  • AED 83.10

There were many elements to British Napoleonic naval success but one of the key factors was...

British Napoleonic...

  • AED 68.82
  • AED 83.10

Following on from the first volume covering British Napoleonic Artillery, this volume...

British Napoleonic...

  • AED 68.82
  • AED 83.10

This title is the first of two volumes examining the artillery equipment of the British forces...

The 25-pounder Field...

  • AED 68.82
  • AED 83.10

Of all the British guns in use during the Second World War, the 25 pounder is the gun that best...

The Ebro 1938

  • AED 83.11
  • AED 102.14

The last major Republican offensive of the Spanish Civil war, the Battle of the Ebro was a...

Items 0-20 of 7

7 items of 1