All Items 17
This book, the last in a four-part series on British Battle Tanks covering the whole history of...
French experience with armour in Indo-China dated back to 1919, when it sent FT-17s to the...
The Border War saw the biggest armoured battles in Africa since World War II. Starting as a...
Conceived at the height of World War II, the British Centurion and the Soviet T-55 were...
Following the lightening destruction of the Egyptian forces at the outbreak of the Six Day War,...
In May 1967, Egypt expelled the United Nations peacekeeping forces stationed in the Sinai desert...
The Israeli Special Forces' operation at Entebbe goes down in history as one of the most...
The Bar Lev Line along the Suez Canal was born out of the overwhelming victory of the Israel...
The Challenger 2 is the current Main Battle Tank of the British Army and represents the...
At the outbreak of World War II, Fort Eben Emael in Belgium was the strongest fortress in the...
The concept of the Main Battle Tank emerged from the Centurion Universal tank that was developed...
At 1345hrs on 6 October 1973, Israeli spotters in the observation post atop Mount Hermon saw...
Israel's victory in the 1967 'Six Day War' sowed the seeds of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. At...
From 1943 the British began the design of a tank that bore distinct similarities to the German...
The successor to the Chieftain from the 1960's, work began in 1976 on development of a new MBT...
The Scorpion reconnaissance vehicle was part of the Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (CVR) series...
Beginning in World War I, with the introduction of the steel helmet this book charts the...
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