Grade 6: Pride And Prejudice

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ISBN : 9788125024576
Publisher : Orient BlackSwan (1 January 2003)
Author : jane austen
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.10 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

The Orient Blackswan's Easy Readers introduce the child to the enchanting world of reading. The value of reading for pleasure and enrichment has been widely recongnised by language teachers and this series hopes to motivate children develop the reading habit. The books are carefully graded in seven levels and help the reader progress through successive grades of vocabulary and structure. They are intended for beginners with a vocabulary range of 250-300 words as well as fairly advanced readers who have a vocabulary of 3500-5000 words. The current titles include th e classics and also hope to have those that suit modern tastes and interests.

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