(old) Review Of Radiology

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ISBN : 9789352700455
Author : Jain Rajat
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.31 (in KGs)
Category : General
Stock : 0

Image-based learning is an integral part of radiology and studying radiology without images might be a futile attempt to learn it. The paucity of such publications has motivated the authors to bring out this well organized, up to date book of radiology which has all the relevant images and image-based questions along with an online pool of images, covering all the important signs and systemic diseases, which surely do not have any substitute or replacement. Review of Radiology is an attempt by authors to ensure answers for all the questions related to imaging from all the subjects of clinical domain, like surgery, medicine, obstetrics and gynecology pediatrics, orthopedics, ENT and ophthalmology. All the topics and concepts given in all the sections (General Radiology, Systemic Radiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Scans, Few Thumb Rules in Radiology, Image-based Questions) are not only just for the examinations but also for students 'future clinical training and day-to-day working in hospitals. Review of Radiology is surely an ideal book without which learning of medicine and preparation of entrance examination/USMLE is incomplete.

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