Psychological Testing And Assessment

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ISBN : 9789353162139
Publisher : McGraw Hill
Author : cohen
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 1.30 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

Psychological Testing and Assessment presents students with a solid grounding in psychometrics and the world of testing and assessment. the book distinguishes itself through its logical organization, readable text and many pedagogical aids, including the “Meet an Assessment Professional” feature in every chapter that highlights the works of important academics and practitioners in the field. Now in its ninth edition, this text has consistently won enthusiastic reviews not only for its balance of breadth and depth of coverage, but also for the content that brings a human face to the assessment enterprise.Salient Features:A number of Meet an Assessment Professional Features are new to this edition, including two from mental health professionals serving in the military—Dr. Alan Ogle, who introduces readers to aspects of the work of an Air Force psychologist and Army Psychiatrist Dr. Rick Malone, who shares his experience in the area of threat assessment.Everyday psychometrics features highlight relevant, practical and everyday examples of the material being discussedThe close-up pedagogical tool offers more in-depth and detailed consideration of specific topics related to those under discussion.The ninth edition includes the latest information on laws, new tests and assessment-related developments.

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