Reinforced Concrete Design

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ISBN : 9789354601026
Publisher : McGraw
Author : s unnikrishna pillai, devdas menon
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 1.20 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Stock : 0

This book on Reinforced Concrete Design has undergone regular revisions following its first publication in 1998 – in order to keep pace with developments in theory and practice, and corresponding periodic revisions and updates of related Codes. This book lays great emphasis on conceptual clarity and strength in fundamentals. This edition has undergone many structural and conceptual revision. It comes with two new chapters and the extant chapters have been thoroughly reviewed and revised. It is also relevant for post-graduate students, instructors and practising engineers. Salient Features: 1. 2 additional chapters a. Design of liquid storage tanks b. Estimation of wind and seismic forces on buildings 2. Addition of exhaustive List of Symbols 3. Inclusion of Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter 4. Margin Notes callouts giving relevant key insights to the topics 5. Chapter-end pedagogical features a. Set of stimulating ‘Review Questions’ and ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ b. Exhaustive set of problems (with answers for ‘analysis’ type problems) c. Extensive references to enable further research d. Relevant questions useful for GATE examination 6. Encapsulation of concepts with illustrative worked examples for better understanding 7. Graded series of laboratory assignments of Design-build-test-analyse-report type added as Appendix

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